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Green Mania

By Alanis and Gwenz


          Thanks for reading (and hopefully using) our last green tips for the semester, and we hope you use them wisely! This time we categorized each tip separately according to age.

Kids in Preschooland Kindergarten

Kids in Grades 1 - 3

Kids in Grades 4 - 6

Kids in Grades 7 - 8

Kids in High School

More Ways to Go Green…

Kids in Preschool and Kindergarten

1)  Tell them to keep the water flow low like a pencil-thin stream when they are using the sink so that they are still using water but not as much.

2)  Tell them to turn off the lights when leaving a room and to leave the lights off during the day. Natural sunlight is good enough.

3)  Recycling is good for our planet and the environment. Convince your child to recycle newspapers, magazine, junk mail, and any other you don’t need.


Kids in Grades 1-3



Eco Friendly Products Online

Recently, we found a cool website with several eco-friendly products that are reusable called also known as Click on the link to check it out.




